Tune-up your energy bills
Reviewing your energy bills
The rise in energy prices is placing additional stress on households especially for anyone doing it tough financially. As part of a Home Energy Tune-Up Care provides free financial capability appointments for low to middle income households to help you keep your bills manageable whilst staying comfortable in your home.
How Care can assist you
As part of a Home Energy Tune-Up, Care has a dedicated financial capability worker who can help you:
review your energy bills including how charges are applied
discuss bill paying system options for your electricity, gas and water that work for you
refer you to Care Community Loans for a 0% interest loan to purchase energy efficiency whitegoods (eligibility and subsidies may apply) - visit Care Community Loans for more information.
use resources to compare the market to make sure you are on a suitable plan
make sure you are accessing rebates, concessions and discounts
link in with your energy provider’s hardship program especially if you are at risk of disconnection or struggling to pay your bill
explore energy saving schemes and rebates on offer in the ACT
Are you doing it tough?
If you are struggling to pay your energy bills or you are at risk of disconnection then you should contact your energy provider's hardship team. Energy providers are required to have hardship policy and support options. A list of energy provider contacts are available here.
You can also confidentially speak to a Care Financial Counsellor who can support you to contact an energy provider hardship team - call Care Financial Counselling on 1800 007 007.
Who is eligible?
Care's financial capability program is inclusive for all members of the Canberra community who are experiencing financial stress.
Energy Support Voucher Program
Care receives funding from ActewAGL and ACT Government to provide the Energy Support Voucher Program to consumers. if you are in energy stress you can apply for a $100 energy voucher to be credited to your ActewAGL electricity or gas accounts. To find out more or to apply for a voucher, call Care on 1800 007 007.
As part of the ACT Government’s initiative to assist Canberra’s low income households with their energy bills, the Utilities Hardship Fund was expanded to all ACT retailers. If you are not with ActewAGL and wish to find out if you are eligible for assistance through this fund, call your retailer directly. Click here for contact providers operating in the ACT https://www.homeenergytuneup.com.au/information-and-resources.
How can I find out more?
Call Care's intake line on 1800 007 007 or email admin@carefcs.org. Visit Care to read more about their free and confidential programs.
You can also use our form below to 'get in touch'.
"Thank you so much for the help and support you have provided. You have provided and given me so much great information that is extremely useful to me and my situation. But more importantly, had been the emotional support. It was lovely to meet you." - Financial capability client 2022
Care's Financial Capability Program and the Energy Support Voucher Program receive funding from ActewAGL and the ACT Government.